KAMETPrzedsiębiorstwo przemysłowe w: Nidzica
- Gazeta NidzickaWitryna informacyjna
- SolidSafeFirma
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We would like to present you innovative disinfectant dispenser Easy Clean Hands with liquid recovery system. This is the first solution in the world !!! Due this system you can save a lot of money related to purchase of the disinfectant liquid !!! Product made in Poland !!! Possible of delivery you disinfectant liquid as well !!
Contact us: info@solidsafe.pl
#covid19 #cleanhands #handsdisinfection # #disinfectantdispenser #weareresponsible #kamet #boryszewerg
We are happy of the partnership with Polish producer of the disinfectant liquid Clean Skin & Clean Skin Pro- BORYSZEW ERG.
We are sure that our synergy's effect ensures the health protection of thousands users of our disinfectant dispensers !
#boryszewerg #kamet #cleanskin #cleanskinpro #disinfectantdispenser #cleanhands